One of the best thing that am proud to copy from my mentor Robin Sharma (the next best thing in my life is his motivating words), he emphasize more and even more on this topic. I am myself practicing it regularly for past one and half months to suggest it further to others. Journaling means recording the important piece of information to make a permanent mark in your mind and to direct your subconscious mind towards really important goals that need your daily and immediate attention.

The moment i started Journaling it was heavy task to open up your diary and jot down how and what your day will contain as well as keeping a good track of your achievements of the day and praising or scolding yourself accordingly. It’s a fun and natural activity now.

The best part of journaling is it keep you focused on no matter how small or big your today’s goals are along with refraining you (that’s what i have found while recording every day tasks) Β from useless or not so important things.

Problem clearly stated is, problem half solved ~ Robin Sharma

So, be thankful, jot down your concerns and introspect everyday where you are ahead or lacking behind. You’ll definitely get a solution yourself. Why not to start Journaling today ?

The next valuable habit πŸ™‚


P.S : Journaling not to be confused by diary entry as diary entry is done at the end of the day, clearly stating your day’s events, moods and such things but Journaling is goal/ priority specific done at the beginning of the day to be checked at night.

27 thoughts on “J for Journaling… #atozchallenge #motivation

  1. Journaling is a wonderful habit that I have always wanted to adopt but could never maintain in the long run. This year too, I had bought a beautiful diary for this purpose but it is till date sitting unopened.
    So glad to know you’ve got a mentor who has been inspiring you achieve such wonderful goals in life πŸ™‚
    Happy journaling and blogging!

    @theerailivedin from The Era I Lived In

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    1. Allow me to suggest u something- start by writing small, precise and definite goals with a thankful note. It will hardly take 5 mins and you can grow accordingly each day. I too started like that but do it for 21 days in a row and it will your habit.
      Thanks ! πŸ™‚


  2. I tried doing it but failed miserably. But then I had to because I had no other options. At workplace , too many Work items relevant to me had to be tracked somewhere and then I realized the importance of it. Its cool you know

    J-Tell me its a joke

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I never knew there was a difference between journaling and recording diary entries but this makes sense. Thanks for the tips! I am a lifelong diary-keeper, ready to jump on the journaling train.
    – Fellow A-Z blogger

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I journal daily and it’s amazing how much I remember when I look back at old entries. And equally amazingly how I discover and rediscover all the same insights over and over and over again…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Journaling is actually a much broader concept, this is more goal-oriented I believe? It’s an interesting way to keep track of goals, though I find desire mapping a lot more effective for that. πŸ™‚

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  6. Some of the most influential people in history kept detailed journals of their lives. Those journals served two purposes: a permanent record for posterity, and cathartic release for the people writing them. Even if you don’t think you need either, keeping a journal has great benefits you can enjoy immediately. Even if you don’t think there’ll ever be a documentary that uses your journal for flavor commentary, there are plenty of reasons to keep one for yourself. Maybe you want to leave something behind for your children that tells your story and what you accomplished. Maybe you’re more practical, and want a way to harness your creativity. Maybe you just want the cathartic release that comes with regular writing. Whatever it is, these are all great reasons.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I did journaling last year and it really works. Plus it keeps all your goals focused and in the lime light. This year, somehow, I’m not able to keep track of it. But this post has surely motivated me to start it again πŸ™‚


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